Fall Safety Reminder

Fall Safety Reminder

The days are getting shorter, and before we know it, snow will be falling and holiday tunes will be inescapable. With the change of the season upon us,  it’s good timing to practice thoughtful parking lot safety. Although the distractions are tempting, try to avoid texting, listening to music, or talking on the phone when walking to and from your car. Looking down or wp-contentearing preoccupied can make you easily targetable.
Here are some important tips and reminders to stay safe this season:

  1. Don’t leave gifts or valuables visible
  2. Be cautious and aware of your surroundings when walking in the parking lot – keeping your head up and shoulders back
  3. Don’t assume drivers can see you, even when you see them
  4. Remember to wear proper footwear especially when it’s snowing and the grounds are slick
  5. Consider buddying up or walking in groups
  6. Walk in well-lit areas