STEM Summer Programs 2025

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus institutions and partners have announced their STEM Summer Programs for the coming year. The schedule features an array of science and technology programs for Western New York High Schoolers, offering area teens a host of hands-on learning opportunities at the area’s leading centers of medicine and research.

Students can view the full schedule, check registration deadlines, and apply for all programs using the button below.

UB’s CTSI Community Partnership Development Seed Grant

The University at Buffalo’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) provides seed grants that support the planning of community-based participatory research projects and engagement of communities in research.
The goal of these awards is to increase the number of community-academic partnerships that are prepared to collaborate on the design and implementation of research projects, specifically those that address health disparities, aim to improve health equity, and generate preliminary data for submission of larger grants to intramural and extramural sources. Seed grants not exceeding $5,000 will be awarded to academic-community teams for:

  • Development of community-engaged research partnerships
  • Collaboration on the design of pilot research
  • Development of community-engaged research proposals for external funding

Letters of Intent are due by March 9, 2020. Selected LOIs will be invited to submit full proposals based on criteria outlined in the RFP.

CLICK HERE for more information!

BNMC Research Discovery Day Encourages Collaboration

BNMC Research Discovery Day Encourages Collaboration

BNMC Partners recently hosted the first Annual BNMC Research Discovery Day. More than 250 researchers, scientists, students, and leaders attended this collaborative event designed to promote the services and shared resources of the biomedical companies and institutions on the Medical Campus.

Dr. Johnson Lau, CEO and Board Chairman of Athenex was the luncheon keynote speaker, inspiring local researchers to dream big and take their idea or company global. More than 50 researchers, postdocs, PIs, technicians, companies, and vendors presented posters in an afternoon session designed to raise awareness of the services available right here in Buffalo.

The morning session focused on the power of collaboration and creative brainstorming, led by international creativity expert Dr. Roger Firestein. Partners from Hauptman-Woodward Institute, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, AMRI, Zeptometrix, and the University at Buffalo spoke about their research offerings and attendees were able to identify high-level collaboration opportunities.

This event would not have been possible without the generous support from KeyBank, and the dynamic planning committee led by leaders from Hauptman-Woodward Institute, AMRI, Zeptometrix, and Roswell Park. Many thanks to everyone who participated in this event – we hope to see even more next year!

BNMC Research Discovery Day

Sponsored by

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus hosts an impressive group of biomedical research-based companies with overlwp-contenting interests. BNMC Research Discovery Day is a one-day program designed to facilitate collaboration between biomedical companies on Campus and increase awareness of local services and resources.

Learn more about research services, core facilities, and collaboration opportunities with companies on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. 


Thursday, May 3


UB Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
955 Main St., Buffalo


Collaboration Opportunities with Leading Researchers
9 AM-12 PM (*This session is invitation only. Please email for information*)
KEYNOTE by Dr. Roger Firestien, international creativity expert
SHORT TALKS by AMRI, HarkerBio, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, UB’s NYS Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics & Life Sciences, Zeptometrix & more
Open to directors, CEOs, leadership and other decision makers

Keynote & Research Services Available
12:30 PM-4 PM
LUNCH KEYNOTE by Dr. Johnson Lau, Chief Executive Officer, Athenex
POSTER SESSION by companies on the BNMC featuring core services available to scientists and researchers
NETWORKING for all at Ulrich’s Tavern, 674 Ellicott St. to follow
Open to all employees, undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs on the BNMC, as well as academic and industrial researchers and scientists


This event is sponsored  by:

KeyBank, BNMC, and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Table vendors include:

AMRI, Athenex, BioFire Diagnostics, Clinical and Translational Science Institutes Community Engagement Team, GenMark Diagnostics, Hauptman-Woodward Institute, LABRepCo, LPS, UB Rise, ZeptoMetrix

Sponsors – Sponsorships and tables are still available. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Erin Uppington at, 898-8610.  Deadline for sponsorships is April 18th.