Medical Campus gets $1 million to study creation of microgrid

Medical Campus gets $1 million to study creation of microgrid


The Buffalo News

A plan to create a more self-contained power grid on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus that would enable it to better maintain operations during blackouts moved forward Thursday when the state awarded nearly $1 million in funding to the project.

The Medical Campus plan was one of 11 projects statewide to win funding from a state-sponsored program to encourage the development of microgrids as a way to introduce more renewable energy into the power grid, while also creating stronger backup systems at essential facilities.

The funding, through the second round of the state’s NY Prize microgrid competition, will fund a study that will develop a blueprint for the Medical Campus microgrid and outline its costs, said Paul Tyno, the Medical Campus’ director of energy initiatives.

A microgrid would allow the Medical Campus to continue to function and provide critical services during a prolonged blackout. While hospitals are required to have backup generation, those generators have limited capacity and can only run for as long as their fuel supply lasts.

In contrast, a microgrid would include those generators, as well as renewable energy, such as solar power. That would allow the Medical Campus to operate more systems and for a longer period, perhaps as long as a week, Tyno said.

“We want the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus to be a safe haven in the event of a problem,” Tyno said.

A microgrid, because of its more self-contained nature, also can help the region’s power grid during times of peak demand by reducing its use of conventionally generated electricity.

The study that the $950,000 in funding will allow the Medical Campus to undertake is a precursor to a third and final round of the NY Prize competition, which will provide funding to build the microgrids that are selected as winners, likely by the end of 2018. The project received $100,000 in state funding for a feasibility study through the contest’s first round in 2015.

Tyno said the scope of the Medical Campus microgrid means that the NY Prize funding probably would not cover all of its construction costs.

State officials also view the microgrid contest as a way to study the impact those systems can have on the power grid, as more lower capacity, highly localized sources of renewable energy are added to New York’s generating capacity.

“It’s absolutely huge. It really, really is,” Tyno said. “It’s got an impact here in Western New York as a whole, because this is how energy is going to work in the future.”

NYSERDA selects the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. for a Stage 2 NY Prize Community Microgrid Award

BNMC, Inc. is one of only 11 projects funded in New York State


Buffalo, N.Y., March 23, 2017 — The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced today that the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC) is one of eleven organizations throughout New York State to receive funding for Stage 2 of the NY Prize Community Microgrid Competition. The competition is part of Governor Cuomo’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) comprehensive energy strategy to build a clean, resilient and affordable system for all New Yorkers. Black & Veatch, a global engineering firm, will be the lead partner to complete the scope of work.

The project includes funding from NYSERDA and an in-kind contribution, in the form of labor, from the BNMC bringing the Stage 2 commitment to $950,000.  Funding will be used to conduct a detailed engineering and financial plan that will include an audit grade design of a microgrid to serve the Medical Campus and potentially its surrounding neighborhoods. In 2015, the BNMC was awarded $100,000 for Stage 1 of the NY Prize, which supported an initial feasibility study, bringing the total project commitment to $1,050,000.  A total investment of $1.8 million has been made to date in energy-related projects through BNMC, primarily centered on the development of a potential microgrid and two REV demonstration projects with National Grid.

The BNMC Microgrid is the only funded project in Western New York.  As a dynamic consortium of world-class hospitals and health care settings, exceptional education institutions, and innovative research facilities, this project affords the opportunity as a “city within a city” to test new, innovative models for energy. And, while all microgrids seek to improve energy resiliency, particularly in the face of emergencies or extreme weather events, the BNMC will also have a significant focus on developing a microgrid business model that will drive cost savings and potential monetization opportunities for its member institutions.

A BNMC microgrid will enable the Medical Campus to serve as a refuge and provide critical services during a catastrophic event.  It can also strengthen the central grid and provide relief to strained systems during periods of high electricity demand.

Additionally, microgrids enhance community economics by attracting new businesses and reducing or delaying infrastructure investment (costs) especially in this digital age where power quality and reliability are key elements in growth.  Finally, it improves the environment. Advanced software and control capabilities with access to multiple sources of power generation allow more renewables to be integrated into the system.

According to Paul Tyno, Director of Energy Initiatives for the BNMC, “This is a significant win, not only for the Medical Campus but for our entire community in leading the way to a more energy resilient future for Western New York.  We are thrilled to be recognized and supported by NYSERDA for this important work that we believe will lead to greater efficiency, affordability and the ability to ensure continuous energy for our Medical facilities and our surrounding neighborhoods in the event of an emergency or other catastrophic event. This is a tremendous example of how anchor institutions can lead the way in innovation, leading to specific benefits for their communities.”

John Rhodes, President and CEO of NYSERDA commented, “The Medical Campus presents a unique and important model for a microgrid in that it is not led by a municipality. We have great confidence in the ability of the Medical Campus to design a microgrid that affords significant value for the Campus and the surrounding community.  We see this as an important component in the Governor’s vision for clean, resilient and affordable energy systems across New York State.”


About the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC)


The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC) is a self-sustaining social enterprise successfully combining innovation, job creation, and urban revitalization. It serves as the umbrella organization of the anchor institutions that make up the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus located within the 120-acre campus bordering Allentown, the Fruit Belt and Downtown. The BNMC fosters conversation and collaboration among its member institutions, its partners and the community to address critical issues impacting them, including entrepreneurship, energy, access and transportation, workforce and procurement, neighborhoods, and healthy communities, with the goal of increasing economic development and building a strong community. www.bnmc-old.local.


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For more information, contact: Susan Kirkpatrick




A Conversation with Paul Tyno, Strategic Advisor on Energy Initiatives for the BNMC

A Conversation with Paul Tyno, Strategic Advisor on Energy Initiatives for the BNMC


Paul Tyno is a respected energy industry professional who is responsible for implementing the Campus Energy Innovation Plan with our partners, member institutions and surrounding neighborhoods. His background includes building, designing and implementing complex demand response/load management programs and related demand side management solutions. Paul is a nationally recognized industry spokesperson and demand response subject area expert. He is the past Chairman of the Peak Load Management Alliance (PLMA), a professional industry organization.

Why the focus on Energy for a Medical Campus?

No one really understands the value of energy until you don’t have it.  For any medical institution, it is a foundational element that drives so much including all of the equipment, technology, and research, so ensuring continuous, high-quality power is critical. Any disruption can have significant, and potentially life threatening implications. In this digital age, there are also differing levels of power quality and, because of the nature of medical institutions, the quality has to be higher than other energy users. If your lights flicker at home, it is no big deal, but a similar disruption to sensitive medical equipment or technology could have profound implications.

How do the Campus and its member institutions benefit from a focus on energy?

From the beginning, we understood that it was important to create a high-level energy environment for the Campus and its medical institutions. As a campus with multiple institutions, we recognized that we have more robust opportunities for collective action that can maximize efficiencies and that our member institutions could socialize the costs to realize these benefits.  Working together may also bring more diversification to the strategies we employ that may not have been possible if member institutions worked alone. By focusing our efforts in this way, we can drive value for our member institutions.

As a “city within a city,” the BNMC is also in a unique position to drive change in the energy arena in ways that municipalities and utilities simply can’t. We can test, deploy and execute new wp-contentroaches that can become catalyst for change and potentially a model for others.  The Medical Campus and our overall region also benefit because high quality infrastructure signals innovation and a progressive wp-contentroach that attracts companies and professionals to this area.

How did the Energy Initiative begin on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus?

As the BNMC was completing its Campus Master Plan, we began having informal conversations with National Grid who challenged us to consider energy implications and to think about energy more holistically as we planned for growth.  That resulted in us collaborating to create EnergizeBNMC, a Campus energy plan that looked at the long term. By creating an energy plan, we put in place a formal planning structure that included energy considerations in the planning phase of development. This allowed us to collectively plan for future growth and ensure that the energy needs of the Campus could be met effectively and efficiently as part of the overall development plan.

After a career in industry and on the consulting side of the energy business, what was it about working for the non-profit BNMC that interested you?

The social impact of BNMC’s work and its energy focus was very wp-contentealing to me. Also, having been born and raised here, I was also drawn to the Buffalo-centric nature of the work – I like having a role, even on a small level, in Buffalo’s rebirth.

BNMC was recently awarded NY Prize for the design of a microgrid – what does that mean for the Medical Campus?

Regardless of the award, our focus has been the development of the Medical Campus and our surrounding neighborhoods as a self-sustaining energy hub, enabling us to “island” from the existing grid in the event of a catastrophe or to optimize energy on “blue sky” days.  We had begun planning for the development of a microgrid before NY Prize was introduced and it has helped us to fund the project. Collectively, the Campus wants to maximize economic value through the effective use of energy resources – both those that exist and future ones. While all microgrids seek to improve energy resiliency, particularly in the face of emergencies or extreme weather events, the BNMC will also have a significant focus on developing a microgrid business model that will drive cost savings and potential monetization opportunities for its member institutions.

How significant is the award and the work ahead?

The NY Prize for the design of the Medical Campus microgrid is very significant. The BNMC was one of only eleven other projects funded at this stage. We had been awarded $100,000 from Stage 1 NY Prize in 2015 for the initial feasibility study and now the Stage 2 funding, at wp-contentroximately $900,000, will help fund a more detailed design plan. This stage will allow us to develop strategies to outline technology, assets, location, ownership, operations and performance expectations.  Once completed, our member institutions will have the necessary information they will need to make decisions about enacting any or all parts of the plan and the role they want to play.  We envision this wp-contentroach will allow the Medical Campus to be connected and run parallel with the existing grid or to disconnect and run independently as a collective unit, providing the high quality power we require.

There are other benefits beyond core energy benefits as well including improving our ability to attract investment, new partners and new companies to the region. It also positions us as a model for other cities, Medical Campuses or Innovation Districts who may be interested in building a more robust energy plan for their region. Because the Medical Campus does not have a single point of governance, we may present a more “real world” model and be able to share lesson learned on collaboration and partnership.

What is the future goal or ideal state regarding Energy on Campus?

Even if our current vision of a self-sustaining energy hub becomes are reality, I don’t think we ever envision to be completely done with our energy work, as it is very dynamic. We will need to continue to respond and innovate based on the economics, the policy and regulatory environment and the evolution of technology and innovation in the marketplace.  Collaboration with our member institutions and industry partners makes this possible and I envision it will continue for the foreseeable future.

Tyno Recognized by City & State Reports for Corporate Social Responsibility

For Immediate Release

Contact: Susan Kirkpatrick




Tyno Recognized by City & State Reports for Corporate Social Responsibility

Work on Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Cited

Buffalo, N.Y., June 30, 2016 – City & State Reports, the only media company devoted solely to covering government and politics in New York, has recently honored Paul Tyno, Strategic Advisor for Energy on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc., with the Corporate Social Responsibility Award in Tech, Energy and Utilities. Tyno will receive the award at a ceremony in New York City at New York Law School on June 30th.

Tyno is one of a number of honorees from across the state that has been recognized as an outstanding corporate citizen from New York’s tech, energy and utility sector.  Tyno’s work in leading energy initiatives on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, most notably in designing a new model encouraging the use of solar power in an underserved neighborhood adjacent to campus, and in leading the feasibility and design phases of a potential micro-grid for the Medical Campus were factors in the award.  Tyno is the immediate past Chairperson of the Peak Load Management Alliance.

The event will feature remarks by Andrew Rasiej, Chair, NY Tech Meetup, and will be hosted by Libby Wayman, Global Director, Ecomagination at GE.  The breakfast event will also feature a thought leadership breakfast discussion on social responsibility in the tech industry today.

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC Inc.) is a self-sustaining social enterprise successfully combining innovation, job creation, and urban revitalization. It serves as the umbrella organization of the anchor institutions that make up the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus located within the 120-acre campus bordering Allentown, the Fruit Belt and Downtown. The BNMC Inc. fosters conversation and collaboration among its member institutions, its partners and the community to address critical issues impacting them, including entrepreneurship, energy, access and transportation, workforce and procurement, neighborhoods, and healthy communities, with the goal of increasing economic development and building a strong community. bnmc-old.local.




Landis+Gyr to Partner with Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and National Grid on Energy Modernization Study


For more information, contact
Kari Bonaro, BNMC, Inc.
716.218.7157/202.904.7034 (m)

Landis+Gyr to Partner with Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and

National Grid on Energy Modernization Study

 Smart grid company to provide technology for energy utilization study


Buffalo, N.Y., September 26 , 2014 – The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC Inc.) announced today that it will partner with National Grid and Landis+Gyr for an energy study that will develop strategies to improve reliability, sustainability, and the quality of energy used on the Medical Campus. Landis+Gyr, a global leader in the smart grid and energy management industry, will provide the critical networking infrastructure, grid sensors, software and services necessary for data collection and analysis. This study and the implementation of its findings is another example of the innovative energy partnership between the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and National Grid.

Funded by NYSERDA and National Grid, the study will be conducted by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and will support the continued growth of the Medical Campus and Buffalo Niagara Region by exploring and evaluating distributed and renewable energy sources against the existing distribution system on-and-around the Campus to accomplish targeted grid modernization and to realize grid resiliency. The objectives of the project are to:

  • Monitor the power system characteristics for various voltage levels and benchmark the existing power quality and reliability environment.
  • Identify power quality and energy efficiency optimization possibilities throughout the local power grid and within BNMC member institutions.
  • Analyze results in the context of improving electric power for end-users by combining attributes of both the grid and distributed energy resources.
  • Determine the benefit of innovative systems such as microgrids and renewable energy sources to improve the reliability, sustainability, and quality of the power system.
  • Determine the feasibility of implementing a self-sustainable energy hub for the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and surrounding areas.

Planning for the study has already begun and implementation will likely begin by the end of this month. The program will collect data over the duration of the project, with concurrent analysis and development strategies to be shared throughout. The end result of the study will be key information that will feed into the BNMC’s existing Energy Innovation Plan, and will include the exploration of smart grid, smart metering, micro-grid, utility asset utilization, and renewable energy resources.

The energy partnership between National Grid and the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus is designed to develop integrated solutions that will drive economic growth in the Buffalo Niagara region and position all partners as global energy leaders. This partnership represents the first of its kind energy innovation between a global utility and a community-engaged medical and technology park.

According to Paul Tyno, director of energy initiatives, BNMC, Inc., “Managing energy use on the Medical Campus is a top priority for BNMC, Inc., and this study is critical to develop an energy innovation strategy to address energy needs now and into the future. Our growing campus, particularly our clinical and research facilities, have a need for continuous, high-quality power and we want to be proactive in providing sustainable solutions, whether through modernization of the existing grid or through renewable sources. The addition of Landis+Gyr to our team allows us to leverage their energy expertise and to work with an experienced provider of smart grid solutions that will be a great benefit to us in collecting the necessary data.”

Landis+Gyr Executive Vice President of the Americas, Prasanna Venkatesan added, “We are thrilled to be partnering with innovative, forward-thinking organizations like the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc., National Grid, and EPRI. Our smart grid technology and solutions are designed to support the high level of data collection and analysis that this Study requires and will further support more efficient and progressive ways of providing power to the Medical Campus and the surrounding neighborhoods.”

“Adding a technology partner like Landis+Gyr is the next logical step in the overall energy plan we are developing for the campus, and then the region,” said Dennis Elsenbeck, regional executive for National Grid. “The level of data and analysis from this study will allow all the partners to assure we are meeting existing needs, and plan for an energy future that will allow BNMC, its members and its neighbors to be at the leading edge of energy innovation.”


About the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc.

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC, Inc.) is a self-sustaining social enterprise successfully combining innovation, job creation, and urban revitalization. It serves as the umbrella organization of the anchor institutions that make up the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus located within the 120-acre campus bordering Allentown, the Fruit Belt and Downtown. The BNMC Inc. fosters conversation and collaboration among its member institutions, its partners and the community to address critical issues impacting them, including entrepreneurship, energy, access and transportation, workforce and procurement, neighborhoods, and healthy communities, with the goal of increasing economic development and building a strong community. bnmc-old.local


About National Grid

National Grid (LSE: NG; NYSE:NGG) is an electricity and gas company that connects consumers to energy sources through its networks. The company is at the heart of one of the greatest challenges facing our society -to create new, sustainable energy solutions for the future and develop an energy system that underpins economic prosperity in the 21st century. National Grid holds a vital position at the center of the energy system.

In the northeast U.S., we connect more than seven million gas and electric customers to vital energy sources, essential for our modern lifestyles. In Great Britain, we run the gas and electricity systems that our society is built on, delivering gas and electricity across the country.

National Grid delivers electricity to wp-contentroximately 3.3 million customers in Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. It is the largest distributor of natural gas in northeastern U.S., serving wp-contentroximately 3.4 million customers in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

For more information please visit our website:

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About Landis+Gyr

Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated energy management products tailored to energy company needs and unique in its ability to deliver true end-to-end advanced metering solutions. Today, the Company offers the broadest portfolio of products and services in the electricity metering industry, and is paving the way for the next generation of smart grid. With annualized sales of more than US$1.5 billion, Landis+Gyr, an independent growth platform of the Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502) and 40% owned by the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan, operates in 30 countries across five continents, and employs 5,500 people with the sole mission of helping the world manage energy better. More information is available at




BNMC Update 2014

The Connections that Make a Community

photo 2On Thursday, June 12th, Bill Joyce, chair of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. board of directors, and Matt Enstice, president & CEO of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc., presented an update on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.  The update focused on where the  BNMC stands and its future with a strong emphasis on the current initiatives underway that impact the local community at large.

the Medical Campus is home to a thriving medical community, cutting-edge research, world-class health care facilities, and both established and emerging private sector companies. Leveraging those assets, the BNMC, Inc. has an ambitious vision to integrate energy, transportation, food systems, entrepreneurship, housing, education and jobs that will change Buffalo’s future.


photo 4The BNMC, Inc. focuses on: Entrepreneurship, Jobs and Workforce, Transportation, Energy, Neighborhoods, Housing and Healthy Communities. Learn more about the BNMC Initiatives.

View the BNMC Update 2014.


Chair of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Board of Directors – See more at: https://bnmc-old.local/about/board-of-directors/#william%20l.%20joyce

Chair of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Board of Directors – See more at: https://bnmc-old.local/about/board-of-directors/#william%20l.%20joyce

BNMC, Inc. Presents: Tunes in the Tent

Summer is just around the corner and so is Tunes in the Tent — a wide array of group and solo musical concerts. Starting June 3rd every Tuesday from noon -1PM there will be free live music on the BNMC in the park located along Ellicott Street at Virginia (across from HWI). The entertainment will feature Campus employees and local community bands. Grab your lunch and enjoy the local musical talent.
Don’t have time to pack your lunch? La Belle Epicure, located in the Innovation Center, will be offering boxed lunches. The box lunches will included a 6″ Italian sub or a vegetarian wrap , an wp-contentle, bag of chips, small cookie and a bottled water all for $7.00. To pre-order your lunch, call 716-998-6894.

Tunes in the Tent


Tunes in the Tent is free and open to the public.

June Line Up!

June Line Up!

  • 6/3 The Observers
  • 6/10Theresa Quinn Trio
  • 6/17 Patrick Lauerman
  • 6/24 Mari McNeil

– See more at: https://bnmc-old.local/tunes/#sthash.l1SEOyFi.dpuf

BNMC, Inc. Awarded $1 Million from NYSERDA to Develop Green Commons

December 18, 2013

For more information:

Kari Bonaro, BNMC, Inc.

716-218-7517 or kbonaro@bnmc-old.local


BNMC, Inc. Awarded $1 Million from NYSERDA to Develop Green Commons


(Buffalo, NY) The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC), in partnership with National Grid, was recently awarded $1 million from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to develop the BNMC Green Commons. The Green Commons, located at 927 -937 Washington Street, will involve the adaptive reuse of three historic buildings located adjacent to the Allen/Medical Campus NFTA Metro Rail Station and the site of the soon to be constructed University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.  The buildings will showcase sustainable best practices in land use, energy, and transportation.

“The Green Commons is a manifestation of the programs and partnerships that BNMC has been developing over the past few years around alternative transportation and energy,” said Bill Smith, director of campus access for the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. “Thanks to this generous award from NYSERDA, we will be able to create a unique, highly accessible, and sustainable complex of facilities that provide a number of important services for the campus and community.”

The design and construction of the Commons will follow low-impact development principles, including energy efficiencies, utilizing renewable energy sources, and featuring on-site storm water management.

A major component of the project involves the creation of an Integrated Mobility Hub (“the Hub”) where employees and residents can access and learn about an array of alternative transportation services in a centralized and highly accessible location.  The Hub will be home to a large indoor bike parking facility and community bike workshop operated by GObike Buffalo; Buffalo CarShare vehicles and Buffalo BikeShare bicycles; as well as an outreach and education center for the GO Buffalo transportation initiative.  The mission of GO Buffalo (a collaboration of GObike Buffalo, Buffalo CarShare, and BNMC) is to develop a model toolkit of effective policies, programs, systems and environments that promote the use of alternative transportation modes (including transit, bicycling, carpooling and walking) throughout the city and region.

Another large component of the BNMC Green Commons will be Smart Home Buffalo, an initiative of energizeBNMC, a Medical Campus-wide partnership with National Grid, to create a model energy home that demonstrates how to make energy improvements to existing buildings practical and tangible. Visitors will learn about energy creation and delivery, consumption, conservation and what is in store for the future of energy.

“We’ve worked very hard to develop an integrated and innovative energy strategy for the BNMC, and this grant will help all the partners move that strategy along,” said Dennis Elsenbeck, regional executive for National Grid.  “National Grid and the BNMC want to take what is learned and implemented on the campus and make it available more broadly.  The Green Commons will help the campus meet its long-term energy goals, and will also serve as an education tool and model for the larger community.”

The project will also involve additional commercial and gathering space that will serve both the Campus and surrounding communities.

Learn more about other sustainability initiatives taking place on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus at bnmc-old.local.


About the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC) is dedicated to the cultivation of a world-class medical campus for clinical care, research, education, and entrepreneurship on 120 acres in downtown Buffalo. It is home to the region’s top clinical, research, and medical education institutions, including: the University at Buffalo, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Olmsted Center for Sight, Kaleida Health, Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Buffalo Medical Group, Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center, Unyts, and the Center for Hospice and Palliative Care. There are more than 60 public and private companies on the BNMC. More than 12,000 people come to work at the Medical Campus every day, and BNMC institutions see over one million patients and visitors annually. bnmc-old.local



BNMC, Inc. Awarded $1 Million from NYSERDA to Develop Green Commons

The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. (BNMC) in partnership with National Grid, was recently awarded $1 million from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to develop the BNMC Green Commons. The Green Commons, located at 927 -937 Washington Street, will involve the adaptive reuse of three historic buildings located adjacent to the Allen/Medical Campus NFTA Metro Rail Station and the site of the soon to be constructed University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.  The buildings will showcase sustainable best practices in land use, energy, and transportation.
“The Green Commons is a manifestation of the programs and partnerships that BNMC has been developing over the past few years around alternative transportation and energy,” said Bill Smith, director of campus access for the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc. “Thanks to this generous award from NYSERDA, we will be able to create a unique, highly accessible, and sustainable complex of facilities that provide a number of important services for the campus and community.”

The design and construction of the Commons will follow low-impact development principles, including energy efficiencies, utilizing renewable energy sources, and featuring on-site storm water management.

A major component of the project involves the creation of an Integrated Mobility Hub (“the Hub”) where employees and residents can access and learn about an array of alternative transportation services in a centralized and highly accessible location.  The Hub will be home to a large indoor bike parking facility and community bike workshop operated by GObike Buffalo; Buffalo CarShare vehicles and Buffalo BikeShare bicycles; as well as an outreach and education center for the GO Buffalo transportation initiative.

Another large component of the BNMC Green Commons will be Smart Home Buffalo, an initiative of energizeBNMC, a Medical Campus-wide partnership with National Grid, to create a model energy home that demonstrates how to make energy improvements to existing buildings practical and tangible. Visitors will learn about energy creation and delivery, consumption, conservation and what is in store for the future of energy.

“We’ve worked very hard to develop an integrated and innovative energy strategy for the BNMC, and this grant will help all the partners move that strategy along,” said Dennis Elsenbeck, regional executive for National Grid.  “National Grid and the BNMC want to take what is learned and implemented on the campus and make it available more broadly.  The Green Commons will help the campus meet its long-term energy goals, and will also serve as an education tool and model for the larger community.”

The project will also involve additional commercial and gathering space that will serve both the Campus and surrounding communities.

In addition, the BNMC, Inc. recently wrwp-contented up a mutli-year project with NYSERDA to help promote the use of alternative transportation modes to employees on the Campus. Through cost-shared research agreements from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), and two separate grants from the Federal Transit Authority (FTA) Job Access-Reverse Commute (JARC) program over the past two years, the BNMC has been able  to advance alternative transportation efforts on the l Campus and surrounding neighborhoods. Read the final report.


Alternative Energy Cruise Night

Buffalo Green Projects, LTD brings the Alternative Energy Cruise Night to the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus for the second time this Thursday, May 16 at the 589 Ellicott Street surface lot. All modes of green transportation are encouraged to participate in this fun event showcasing better ways to get around.
A community organization, Buffalo Green Projects, LTD focuses on green initiatives throughout the WNY region. Join Buffalo Green Projects as they welcome car dealers and individual owners as they put their alternative energy vehicles on display.

Not familiar with different types of green transportation options? Attend this event and learn about the difference between electric and hybrid vehicles, and other green transportation options. Check out the cars like the Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf and a Mercedes Benz that runs on vegetable oil amongst other cars that run on liquids like diesels and flex fuels. NFTA will bring one of the biggest multi-passenger vehicles that help many save money in the hybrid bus.

Ride your bike and park it at one of the bike racks available or drive your traditional gas car so you get out to enjoy music, food and see some of the coolest cars of the future that will most likely become commonplace.

Don’t miss this exciting, innovative and fun green event!

Cruise Night 2013  New Time