Parking & Transportation
We manage and coordinate the overall planning and operations of a multi-modal transportation system for our district including 5,380 parking spaces. We strive to create walkable, safe, and accessible places that provide quality options for how we get around.
Driving to the District
There are plenty of on and off-street places to park in the district. We offer a variety of parking permits to meet your needs, and we have EV charging stations at our major locations.
Do you Carpool? We have priority spaces for you at the entrances to 589 Ellicott, 854 Ellicott, and 134 High, a Guaranteed Ride Home Program, and monthly commuter rewards as a way to say thank you.
Parking Location & Permit Options
Electric Vehicles

Healthy Commuter Benefits
Do you primarily walk, bike, ride transit, or carpool to work? Our Healthy Commuter Benefits make it easier to do so and are a way for us to thank you for making a choice that’s good for you, the environment, and your community! Whether you’re part-time, full-time, or a student on campus, the following Healthy Commuter Benefits Program is for you.
Biking & Walking
We provide many services to make it easier to get here on two wheels or by foot, including secure, member-only bike parking, free REDDY Bikeshare memberships, and a free Guaranteed Ride Home program if you can’t bike or walk home due to an emergency. We also have a Commuter Rewards Program for you.

NFTA Metro Rail has two stations on the medical campus, and many NFTA Metro Busses service the campus as well. Many employers on campus also help pay for the cost of transit passes through the NFTA Corporate Pass Program, and if you’re new to transit, we’ll help pay for it too.
Looking for a shuttle? The UB Blue Line is free for UB students and affiliated employees on the campus. It runs regularly between UB South Campus and the Medical Campus. connects UB South Campus to the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
We are also launching a new on-demand community shuttle in 2024!

For Employers
We can help you develop policies and programs that make it easier for your employees to choose alternatives to driving alone to work, helping you reduce parking demand and meet your sustainability goals.

Transportation Consultation
All employees on the BNMC are eligible for free one-on-one transportation consultation services from GO Buffalo Niagara. GO BN can walk you through the next steps to try a new active & sustainable commute, from mapping out a route to signing up for tools and resources to support you. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation here.
Transportation Innovation
We utilize the medical campus as a living laboratory for transportation innovation, helping test new and emerging services, technology, and programs focused on sustainability and enhancing mobility options for our community.
Transportation Management Council
We don’t do it alone. Our Transportation Management Council meets on a regular basis to coordinate planning, operations and overall TDM initiatives.
Council Members
- University at Buffalo
- Roswell Park
- Kaleida Health
- Buffalo Medical Group
- Hauptman Woodward Institute
- Via
- Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center
- City of Buffalo
- GObike Bufalo
- Shared Mobility Inc.
- GO Buffalo Niagara