Register Today for BNMC’s 5th Annual Student Open House on Saturday, April 13
Explore Career Opportunities on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus!
Students in 7th-12th grade, accompanied by an adult, are invited to tour our state-of-the-art Campus facilities, participate in hands-on STEM activities, and hear from experts at Hauptman-Woodward Institute, the Jacobs Institute, Oishei Children’s Hospital, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, UB Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, UB’s NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics, UBMD Physicians’ Group, and Unyts.
This event is free! Space is limited and registration is required by April 3, 2019.
Saturday, April 13
Start your exploration of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus by registering and picking up your program in the Innovation Center lobby, 640 Ellicott St. Free parking across the street and two blocks from Allen/Medical Campus NFTA Station
- Scrub into laparoscopic surgery using the LapSim Virtual Training system
- Observe the process of preparing a kidney for transplant
- See an active research laboratory
- Meet physicians and ask questions about their career paths and medical school journey
- Work alongside a lab technician and medical residents on laparospic trainers, orthopedic FAS simulators, and suturing
- Watch a pre-recorded surgery
- Learn about crystals and how they are formed and used to study diseases
- Try your skills at bio-art
- And much more!