40 Days to Wellness

As part of our ongoing work in the growing discipline of Food as Medicine and thanks to a generous grant from the HighMark BlueCross BlueShield Fund, BNMC has launched a Food as Medicine centered “40 Days to Wellness” program to take place on the campus beginning in August. The project will be done in collaboration with partners at Kaleida Health, Roswell Park, Urban Fruits and Veggies, Osteria 166, the Mindful Institute, Queen City Couriers, DietID, and the University at Buffalo.

We are currently recruiting chronically sick and stressed healthcare workers and neighborhood residents to participate. Throughout the 40-day program, qualified participants will receive medically tailored meals, along with hands-on nutrition education, mindfulness training, and dietitian guidance to develop healthier lifestyle habits and improve quality of life.

The program aims to help participants build sustainable healthy living habits, improve health and quality of life indicators, and reduce healthcare service utilization.