For Employers
We Offer a Variety of Commuting Options for your Employees.
BNMC offers a variety of programs that make it easier to get to work and choose a greener commuting option, but there is much more that leaders like you can do for your own employees. We can help you develop policies and programs for your company.
Reduce Your Costs
Leasing and constructing parking is expensive, as are the costs of operating and maintaining parking. Whether you’re a long-standing company or a growing business, we can help you save money by reducing your need for parking. We can offer transportation solutions that are low-cost and some that are even no cost.
Benefit Your Workforce
Not everyone wants to drive to work. Plus, affordable commuting options aren’t only good for your bottom line, they help keep money in your employees’ bank accounts as well. Your employee talent pool and your employee retention rates can grow if you make it easier to get to work without having to drive.
Improve Employee Health
Daily commutes can be great opportunities to fit exercise into busy lives. Employees who choose active travel methods have shown to be less stressed, more positive, and more productive at the workplace.
Get Recognized for Being Green
When your employees choose green travel methods, it’s not only good for the environment, it’s good for public relations. Companies that are environmental stewards are known to attract higher-tier talent and positive publicity.
Sustainable Transportation Program Resources
If you are considering introducing sustainable transportation programs at your company, below are some strategies you can implement to improve access to sustainable and affordable transportation options for your employees, constituents, and communities.
Hiring/Workforce Programs
Create Hiring Goals and Processes
Developing hiring strategies that focus on hiring people who live nearby the workplace, which can decrease commute times, enhance community involvement, and improve employee retention.
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Provide Employee Wraparound Services
Incorporating wraparound services to support job retention, and including transportation needs support in those services.
Provide Flexible Shift Times
Allowing employees more flexibility in their start and end shift times. This could also include a grace period in case there are transit delays, etc.
Provide Flexible Work From Home Programs
Allowing more flexibility in when an employee needs to work from home for various reasons; assessing an employee’s need to come into the office and how often it is needed; staggering schedules so that employees only work in the office a certain amount of days, etc.
General Outreach and Incentive Programs
Establish Sustainable Transportation Ambassadors
Employees who are identified as ambassadors who can help coworkers navigate the use of sustainable transportation options, such as someone who already bikes or takes public transit. Potentially provided with a stipend or other type of reward for playing this role.
Establish a Sustainable Transportation Club
A club/group that champions and supports sustainable transportation efforts at the organization. Potentially provided with a stipend or other type of reward for their efforts.
Establish a Commuter Information Center
The lack of compA central place where employees/students can access information about their transportation options and programs available to them. This can be digital and physical (such as a transportation office or part of the HR and admin office)
Incorporate Transportation Information Into Oboarding and Orientations
Developing materials and providing information on transportation options and programs when onboarding prospective employees, to establish behaviors as early as possible in the hiring process.
Provide Targeted Marketing and Incentive Campaigns
Marketing campaigns that are designed to reach specific groups of employees/students to raise awareness about transportation programs and opportunities.
Provide Sustainable Commuting Education Programs
An education program designed to teach or improve knowledge of sustainable transportation options including biking tips and transit route planning.
Sustainable Commuter Rewards Programs
Providing incentives and rewarding commuters who use sustainble/active transportation options to get to/from work.
Provide a Commuter Stipend
Providing employees with a commuting stipend that they can choose how to spend, instead of providing direct subsidies to parking since this encourages people to choose parking.
Provide a Guaranteed Ride Home Program
Providing limited free rideshare trips to or from the workplace for emergencies for employees who do not commute via driving alone.
Parking & Rideshare Programs
Provide a Carpool/Rideshare Matching Program
A digital platform that allows employees to search for a carpool partner, or transit, biking or walking partner, within their organization.
Provide a Vanpool Program
A coordinated program with identified drivers who pick up coworkers who live near them. This could include a corporate vanpool fleet and stipends for drivers.
Provide Carpool/Rideshare Rewards
This can include financial incentives and priority parking for those who carpool.
Provide Carshare Memberships
A corporate carshare membership that provides employees with access to carshare vehicles to perform job related duties.
Unbundled Parking Payments
Separating parking fees to allow people to choose whether they want to park or not. Examples include not including parking in tuition and fees and not including parking in a lease.
Charge Parking Fees
Charge market-rate parking prices.
Provide Pay-Per-Use Parking Permits
Providing people the option to pay by use instead of monthly passes that typically lock in commuting behavior.
Provide Carpool Priority Parking Spaces
Providing convenient, highly visible reserved parking spaces for employees who carpool.
Provide EV Chargers and EV Parking
Providing onsite EV charging stations and EV Parking Only spaces to assist employees with the transition to electric vehicles.
Transit Programs
Advocate for Transit Service Improvements
Working with the local transit agency, elected officials, and other stakeholders to advocate for transit service improvements that will benefit employees/students and the overall community.
Advocate for Transit Station Safety
Advocating for more transit police presence or transit ambassadors to monitor train stations and provide a welcoming environment.
Provide Quality Bus Shelters
Providing safe and comfortable shelters at nearby bus stops to make taking the bus a more pleasant experience.
Participate in a Corporate Pass Program
Subsidizing the cost of monthly transit passes through the NFTA, or through pre-tax programs.
Provide Transit Commuting Classes
Specific programs designed to teach or improve knowledge of transit options and how to use transit.
Provide Try Transit Campaigns
A transportation program that provides free transit passes for a specific period of time to those who want to give transit a try.
Provide Real-Time Screens
A screen that shows real-time bus and train schedules for nearby transit options, placed in a highly visible location.
Provide First/Last Mile Shuttle Programs
A circulator or door-to-door shuttle service that transports people to work from nearby neighborhoods and nearby transit stops.
Walking, Bicycling, and Micromobility Programs
Provide Quality, Safe, and Visible Bike Parking
Secure, covered or indoor bicycle parking options in visible or monitored locations.
Provide Amenities
Amenities like lockers, changing facilities , and showers to assist commuters in freshening up after an active commute.
Provide Repair Stations
Amenities that assist bicycle commuters with repairing small bike issues, such as flat tires, etc.
Provide Safe and Secure E-Bike Charging
Secure, covered or indoor bicycle parking options in visible or monitored locations that include outlets to charge e-bikes in a safe environment.
REDDY BikeShare
Working with REDDY Bikeshare to locate a station near the building, and providing free or reduced cost REDDY memberships to employees.
Provide a Microloan Program
Providing upfront money for employees to purchase bikes/e-bikes through 0% or low interest loans.
Provide a Bicycling Rewards Program
Providing financial or other incentives to employees who verify that they commuted by bike.
Provide a Rebate Program
Providing a stipend to employees to help them purchase a bike/e-bike from qualified sellers.
Provide a Walking to Work Rewards Program
Providing financial or other incentives to employees who verify that they commuted by walking.
Classes, and Repairs
Provide specific programs designed to teach or improve knowledge of how to bike to work, and offering mobile repair sessions to get bikes tuned up and ready to ride..
Launch a campaign around a Bike to Work Day event that encourages and gets employees to bike to work that day.
Provide a Walking to Work Rewards Program
Providing financial or other incentives to employees who verify that they commuted by walking.
Infrastructure Improvements
Install Curb Extensions at Intersections or Mid-block Crossings
Provide Curb extensions can be painted and protected by bollards, delineators, or planters; or hardscaped and permanent.
Advocate For Street Safety
Working with the local municipality, MPO, elected officials, and other stakeholders to advocate for streetscape safety improvements that will benefit employees/students and the overall community.
Speed Reduction Strategies
Implement speed reduction strategies, such as speed humps, raised platforms, speed limit signs, and optical markings to promote overall safety for all road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists.
Provide Quality Pedestrian Lighting
Providing quality pedestrian lighting can promote safety and security for all road users by improving visibility of surroundings.
Provide Pedestrian Crosswalks and Signals
Crosswalks and signals emphasize pedestrian presence and improve the safety and predictability of crossings.
Create or Support a Safe Streets Plan
Creating a plan to provide guidance and/or supporting local initiatives and planning for streetscape improvements for resolving current and potential challenges.
Identify Priority Locations for Improvement
Identifying key locations to prioritize areas that need immediate attention and to proactively prepare for future street improvement opportunities.
Workforce Housing Programs
Provide Assisted Housing or Rental Assistance
Offer financial support to select employees and students interested in moving into local housing (e.g. down payment assistance, security deposit support, first month rent, mortgage guaranty, rehab assistance, etc).
Provide a Housing Resource Center
Providing a central place where employees/students can access local housing-related information and programs available to them. This can be digital and physical (such as a transportation office or part of the HR and admin office).
Incorporate Housing Information into Recruitment Materials
Developing materials and providing local housing-releated information and programs to inform potential and new employees the benefits of living near the workplace as early as possible in the hiring process.
Advocate for Community Development and Investment
Collaborate with stakeholders, surrounding neighborhoods, and elected officials to support policies and initiatives that encourage community development and reinvestment in surrounding neighborhoods.
Provide Matched Savings for Homeownership Close By.
Providing matched savings for homeownership as a financial incentive for employees to purchase a home in the local area.
Provide Below Market Rate Loans
Providing below market rate loans as a financial incentive for employees to purchase a home or continue to invest in their current home in the local area.